Monday, March 19, 2012

Norman Earl Gamble - AKA Uncle Norm

How we met
It was a warm night in July.... errr, no it probably wasn't but I just wanted to start a story like that. He's my uncle so he's known me for all my 31 years. He's twenty years older than my mom but I always feel like he's so young. He has aged very gracefully and I remember when I was young I thought he was 30 forever. Apparently that is what I thought was old back then and now I'm 31 so I'm ancient.
How Norman became Uncle Norm
Well he's my uncle and his name is Norm so.............
Top 5 things about Uncle Norm
*He's gentle
*He gives the best hugs - I always feel so safe and loved when he hugs me
*He is kind
*He's a family man
*He's adventurous
Fun facts about Norm
*He used to work for the forest service
*He loves gold panning
*He was in the military
*He's the most handsome man I've ever known
Peace out!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tricia Rochelle Simonson - Trika Rain

How we met
Tricia and I met our freshman year of High School (or maybe the summer before). We both thought we were hippies so we got along awesomely. Sometimes I look at some of the stuff we used to wear back then (Sarah and Vickie included) and I really question our choices lol) We spent many a nights together that first year of our friendship, so many good times! Her family was evenly as great. They took me in and let me stay with them after my parents moved to Troutdale when we were sophomores. It was short lived but we had fun while it lasted it. Tricia's always been more relaxed then me so she's good at balancing me out.
How Tricia became Trika Rain
Since we were hippies she needed a hippy name :) I loved the idea of any one's name being Rain back in the day. I think it's so pretty, even to this day and Trika is a pretty lady after all.
Top 5 things about Trika
*She's easy going
*She's spontaneous
*She loves deeply
*She's forgiving (although sometimes she shouldn't be)
*She's friendly
Fun facts about Tricia
*She doesn't eat beans
*She dances with fire
*She shares custody of one of her dogs with her doggy daddy
*She lived in St Croix in her early twenties
Peace out!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Whitney Marie Hobson - AKA Shitney

How we met
I can't pinpoint our exact meeting event but I'd guess it was at a Droplaw show in 2008. She was dating the lead singer of the band and I was a groupie :) We started hanging out without the Droplaw group and realized we hearted each other. Since then are friendship has just gotten stronger.

How Whitney became Shitney
Well she may have had a couple adult beverages one night and I thought it would be clever to call her Shitney. Not too sure she totally loves the name but she hasn't punched me yet lol

Top 5 things about Shitney
*She is fun with a capital F
*She's not flaky
*She's caring
*She knows how to hold a conversation
*She's smart

Fun facts about Whitney
*She has two degrees
*She's from North Bend
*She pet sits as a side job
*She likes to travel
*She loves jewelry (she always has the best stuff)

Peace Out!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Myrtella Elithia Wilbert - AKA Grandma Myrt

How we met
It's safe to assume she was also there when I was born. (I'm starting to think my family doesn't tell stories enough) I do know that she was scared to hold me because she thought she'd break me. That's the kind of person I remember. Gentle, kind, and soothing. We spent a lot of time with my grandma until I was 9 and we moved to Beaverton. My grandma got sick when I was in my early teens with dementia/Alzheimer's and I miss her and always wonder what our relationship would be like now.
How Myrtella became Grandma Myrt
I guess I don't really have to explain this as she is my grandma :)
Top 5 things about Grandma Myrt
*She made the best couch beds
*She always made cookies with me
*She always had fresh cream in her fridge and would put it in my cereal
*She was always there for us
*She's a fighter
Fun facts about Myrtella
*She taught me to crochet
*She liked watching Benny Hill and Twilight Zone
*She owned a store when my mother was young
*She didn't drive
Peace out!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anna Noel Fender - AKA Anna No L

How we met
Anna and I met in 2000 when we both worked at Target. I was the new girl and she worked the jewelry counter. We both smoked so often would take our break together. She ended up going on my first trip to Lake Billy with me and we had a blast. We spent many a nights having great times we probably wouldn't remember :) I've seen her grow up a lot in 12 years from a crazy party girl to a wonderful mother. No matter how long it's been since we've seen each (although it's not too often usually) we pick right back up where we left up. I'm honored to be apart of her wedding which is just a little over a month away, yikes!
How Anna became Anna No L
The first time I made a xmas card for Anna I wrote on the envelope Anna with a capital L inside a no symbol (you know, the circle with a line through it). It just stuck after that.
Top 5 things about Anna No L
*She's forgiving
*She values her relationships - she's never been one of those people who needs to have a million people in her life which makes me feel even more special to be apart of her life
*She tells it how she is
*She sticks to her values
*She loves games - I can always count on her for a good game of cribbage
Fun Facts about Anna
*She went to a private school when she was younger
*She gets along better with her sister than anyone else I know
*She loves pink more than even I do
*She loves to sing
*The first thing she ever gave me was a bracelet made out of fluorescent beads
*Extra fun fact - I passed this bracelet onto her daughter a couple years ago (the benefit of never getting rid of anything)
Peace out!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nicole Danielle Crisell - AKA Nihole

How we met
Like Kristin I met Nicole through my friend Breanne. She was part of the Westview click that I became friends with because some Meadow kids ended up at Sunset. We hung out with a lot of the same people and naturally became good friends. She's kind of like my little sister that I feel like I need to protect from this big scary world (even though I'm only 2 months older than her)
How Nicole became Nihole
I don't know how this came about. There's a special way to pronounce it too, its Neeeehole. I think I called her something different in our teen years but my memories shot
Top 5 things about Nihole
*She always wants everyone to get along
*She's giving
*Some of things she says make me laugh for days
*She's very compassionate
*She sincerely cares about how people feel
Fun facts about Nicole
*She breads huge ass cats
*She didn't get her license until she was 18 (or somewhere around there)
*Her mom is her best friend
*She collected Tigger stuff when we were younger
*Her old cat had like 18 names and I could never remember them all. Something along the lines of Baby Oliver Tuna Kazoo Jasmine Snickers lol
*She loves pickles (like a lot)
Peace Out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Travis Quade Hall - AKA Travy

How we met
I met Travis through his brother and we just ended up being great friends. He's a few years younger than me but that never got in the way of our friendship. Really, we just got into trouble together :) He was a big part of my teen years and I even forgave him for stealing my diary (ass!). I always feel like no matter what is going on he sees the good in me and that is a nice feeling. I love him dearly and hate that he lives in Cali. I got the chance to watch Kyra grow up and I'm sad that I don't get that with Wyatt.
How Travis became Travy
I just liked how it sounded :) Maybe I just have this secret need to have every ones name end with the same sound as mine.....
Top 5 things about Travy
*He was man enough to take on raising a little girl on his own
*He's caring
*He's a fighter
*He's a great dad
*He's got a great laugh
Fun facts about Travis
*He survived cancer
*He's a momma's boy (don't try to deny it)
*He's my oldest guy friend
*Beer is his favorite food
Peace out!